
As Father’s Day approaches, I can’t help but think of my own Dad and how much I miss him. It’s been a little over a year since we lost him.

Dad was the one that I called when I didn’t know what to do, when something was broken or something good happened. He would always have the answer.

In his presence I was at peace. I knew that he could handle any situation that came up. I needn’t worry. In his presence I was protected. Even as an adult, at the farm I was still the child and could relax and be cared for. In his presence I was loved. There was nothing like Dad’s affirmation. How I loved to hear him say, “well done Colleenie.”

I was truly blessed to have had such a good father. The qualities that he displayed give us a glimpse of what our Heavenly Father is like. That is the role of fathers. To be the first glimpse of God that our children see. That is a great calling and a great responsibility! Will our Dads mess up? Yes. They are human after all. Do some fall short of the calling? Yes. Some don’t even realize they have such a responsibility. As Father’s Day approaches, we lift up all the fathers in our lives in prayer, asking God to fill them with the strength and wisdom they need to do this job well.

But what about those of us who no longer have our fathers? Or who never had their fathers? Or whose father has missed their calling? Where do our fathers go to find wisdom and peace and love? To our Heavenly Father. The role of fathers is to lead our children to the Father.

In the Lord’s presence we find peace. In the Lord’s presence we find wisdom and protection. In the Lord’s presence we find love and affirmation. He is not hard to find. We are told in the gospel of John that as soon as the Father sees his son moving toward Him, He runs to him and wraps His arms around him in love and acceptance. The moment our heart turns to seek God, He is there. He has been waiting for you to turn His direction.

Today, let’s turn His way and find the rest and love we so long for in His presence. Let’s sit at His feet and bask in the peace that we find there.

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